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IN a June poll by the UNH Survey Center, a majority (6 in 10) of Granite Staters favored a NH marijuana legalization bill the House tabled, but feel housing is the top issue in the state. Thirty-six percent named housing the most important problem, 5 times more than 7% who named education.

JUST over half of U.S. adults today say the “American dream” is still possible (53%), according to a Pew Research Center survey. The term refers to the idea that anyone can succeed in the U.S. through hard work and determination. An additional 41% feel it was once possible, while 6% say it was never possible. Older Americans over age 50 are more likely to say it’s still possible, as are wealthier middle- and upper-income brackets.

RESUMEBUILDER.COM recently found that 3 in 10 companies actively have fake job postings listed online (or 39%), based on a survey of 649 hiring managers. Of them, 70% say it’s “definitely” or “probably” acceptable to post fake listings, with 77% reporting they have a positive effect on productivity and 65% reporting positive employee morale.

AN overwhelming majority (84%) of small business owners feel it’s hard for working parents to afford high-quality child care programs for their kids, while over half (57%) say there aren’t enough quality, affordable child care programs in their area. That’s per an April survey of 1,259 small business owners by Goldman Sachs.

THOUGH electric vehicles see record sales, demand is slowing as 3 in 10 Americans would consider buying EVs, the Pew Research Center found in a May survey, down 9% from the past year. Softening interest seems to stem from perceived factors like higher upfront investment than gas-powered vehicles, a decreasing but still higher cost than gas vehicles and uncertainty about EVs’ current environmental benefits.

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