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It’s crucial for businesses to engage in the legislative process

In Concord, the voice of business resonates. The impact of businesses — from job creation to economic growth — is recognized and valued by our state’s leaders. With the largest citizens’ legislature in the country, providing their time as volunteers ($100 annually doesn’t cover much), our state Legislators value constituents’ stories, data and perspectives.

More than once, when I’ve testified on behalf of New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility (NHBSR) member businesses, I can sense that sharing the business case for or against an issue garners attention.

Now more than ever, it’s crucial for businesses to actively engage in the legislative process. From helping move New Hampshire toward becoming a leader in a clean energy economy to finding innovative ways to build more housing in your community, ensuring parents have access to affordable child care and our centers can stay open, or supporting the public schools in the communities you operate within — telling your unique story about how public policy, or lack of public policy, impacts your bottom line and in turn how it impacts our state’s economy, helps legislative leaders understand the issue in a new light.

So what can you do? Pick the issue(s) that matters to you. Think about why it matters to you, your company, your employees or your community. But also think about why it might matter to someone else with a different perspective and what the common denominators might be.

There is no action too small. Send a letter to the editor or submit testimony on a bill — or better yet, bring your testimony and share it in person. Can’t make it?

Call or email them directly. I bet they’d love an invite to visit your business, especially with a tour and an invitation to meet with employees directly. Experiencing why an issue is important to your business is the best way to create a passionate advocate in the Legislature.

Some of the best resources for information on legislation are the resources you already trust. Contact member networks that align with your purpose, like NH Businesses for Social Responsibility or your local chamber of commerce. We all work to track the issues that are important to our members and will provide the facts on the legislation, along with the impact it might have on your business or organization. We also partner, understanding that our voices, in unison, are stronger.

Speaking of stronger together, take time to review sign-on letters of interest to you, especially when it’s a topic you deeply care about. Collaboration amplifies our voice! Many times, issues that you might feel uncomfortable speaking to alone might feel more approachable with other business leaders. In 2021, we swiftly mobilized, writing a letter of opposition highlighting the value of fostering inclusive workplaces, and over 300 businesses and universities, including major employers, signed on. Together, workplaces were able to speak out about why building a workplace that prioritizes its workers’ belonging enhances employee retention, fosters innovation and strengthens our businesses’ brands. All of which makes New Hampshire stronger.

Advocacy is an investment that yields significant returns. Just as we invest in our internal operations, we also need to invest to develop good policies for our people and our businesses.

So, together, let’s connect with our leaders to continue to improve this amazing state, knowing that our businesses will thrive when our people and our communities thrive. Reach out to us if you’d like to learn more.

Michelle Veasey recently transitioned to director of advocacy within NHBSR after 13 years as the executive director in order to support policies that will advance the economic prosperity of our state. Sustainability Spotlight is produced monthly for NH Business Review by New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility (

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