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DATA and AI education platform DataCamp recently analyzed Google search data since July 2020, finding that interest in application programmer jobs has grown the most in tech careers. Searches for “application programmer” grew from 1,180 searches in July 2020 to 6,900 searches in June 2024 — a 484.75% increase.

ACCORDING to investment company BlackRock, 9 in 10 American voters feel there is a retirement crisis, and just 22% are “extremely or very confident” about having enough money to live on through retirement. Of 1,000 total voters surveyed August 13-18, a third had no retirement savings to speak of, while 66% have less than $150,000 saved.

ANALYSTS from surveyed 1,000 U.S. business leaders, finding that half of companies have cut employee benefits recently, like paid time off/vacation days or stock options/equity grants. Additionally, 27% of leaders surveyed said their companies have reduced current employee salaries, though the majority (77%) said they’re either planning on giving raises this year or have already given them.

PUBLIC support for a U.S. ban on TikTok among American adults is declining, from 50% in March 2023 to 32% in July-August 2024, the Pew Research Center found. Meanwhile, 28% surveyed oppose the ban, while 39% aren’t sure. The decline is consistent among U.S. adults not on TikTok, with 43% of non-users supporting the ban this summer down from 60% in March 2023.

FOR three consecutive years, a study between Gallup and Bentley University has reported that most Americans believe businesses positively impact people’s lives. Today, 63% of 5,835 American adults surveyed view businesses as having an extremely or somewhat positive impact. However, they are less sure about businesses’ impact on the environment, with 48% feeling they negatively impact the planet. Most critical are those ages 18-29, 60% of whom feel businesses have a somewhat or extremely negative impact.