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Hosted by officials with several state agencies, the Rapid Response session, held at Pittsfield’s Town Hall held August 26, encouraged the 16 former employees of Rustic Crust to file for unemployment as soon as they can, and told them to sign up for some other available resources.

“We can’t guarantee an outcome but we can guarantee an opportunity,” said Joe Doiron, director of workforce development at the Department of Business and Economic Affairs, one of the event’s hosts. Jorge Archundia, manager of Concord’s Office of Employment Security, and Jimmie Hinson, Rapid Response workforce development administrator, also co-hosted.

After filing for unemployment, state officials recommended joining the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult and Dislocated Worker program, which can provide up to $6,500 towards training and assist people with resume building, career advising, and education.

Attendees were also encouraged to visit or call their local Office of Employment Security to get connected with resource centers that have computers with statewide job listings. There’s also staff on hand to navigate any questions.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ NH Easy program allows individuals to apply for the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), cash assistance, Medicaid, Medicare savings and child care. Those receiving Medicaid, SNAP, or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) can also enroll in the WorkNowNH program for extra workforce support. The NH Bureau of Adult Education offers opportunities for people who might need additional qualifications or assistance as they search for a new job.

For more resources, visit the NH Works website at

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