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This week in NH Business Review
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$500 million says Dean Kamen’s ARMI can manufacture human body parts in Manchester
ReGen Valley’s latest $44 million ups the ante to a half a billion dollars since 2017

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Businesses sought for UNH Entrepreneurship Internship Fall 2024 program
The Entrepreneurial Studies program at the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire is recruiting companies to take part in their Fall 2024 Internship program.

Legislature wraps session with investments in transportation, child care and key settlement funds
Every odd-numbered year, the Legislature convenes in Concord to consider the state budget and other bills.

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Inaugural BLOC awards recognize existing Coos County business leaders, hope to inspire new ones
On June 13, the Coos Economic Development Corp. (CEDC) held its annual meeting and honored recipients with Business Leaders of Coos (BLOC) Awards.

Catholic Charities awarded $625,000 in tax credits for Peterborough housing project
Businesses can support the project by purchasing tax credits, which provide a 75% New Hampshire state tax credit against their contribution.

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New report shows the status of girls in New Hampshire
According to a press release from the foundation, these indicators highlight a strong, smart, resilient, and diversifying population of girls with endless potential.

Spee3d announces manufacturing facility and applications center in Durham
SPEE3D will manufacture printers at the new facility, while maintaining its manufacturing headquarters in Melbourne, Australia.

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AI leads to real profits
McDonald’s, Proctor & Gamble and other corporations are investing in AI to boost success

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Startup aids defense contractors’ cybersecurity
GovSky in Exeter has raised $2.5 million in investment funds

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Celebrating intense arrivals
Elliot Hospital’s Neonatology Intensive Care Unit reunited families with doctors

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Reflecting on the 50th anniversary of ERISA
Employee Retirement Income Security Act continues to improve workplace benefit plans

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FROM THE GROUND UP: Dealership design commitment to quality
Automatic transmissions, seat belts, air bags: The automotive industry has seen a lot of innovation in the century since Grappone was founded.

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Unprecedented financial losses pose risk to primary care
There is an expression, “Once you’ve been to one FQHC, you’ve been to one FQHC,” because our services and programs are unique and tailored to our community’s needs.

Inflation makes it hard to live free
For all of its virtues, New Hampshire is no cheap place to live. Time and time again, the state’s residents have been hit by “unexpected inflation.”

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Election 2024: Where do we go from here?
We Granite Staters are proud of our first-in-the-nation presidential primary. For more than a century, it served the country well by providing an open testing ground for would-be leaders of the free world.

Traveling tooth fairies is a real story, not a fairy tale
The remarkable success story of the Traveling Tooth Fairies Dental Initiative is the uplifting news we all need right now.

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Pushback on adopting new building energy codes
Federal agencies that insure mortgages adopted the codes after making the assessment that they won’t impact the affordability and availability of the housing they cover.

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Concord begins citywide property measure
If you own property in Concord, someone in a neon vest will come to your house at some point over the next year and a half.

Property-buyers to be notified about PFAS contamination under new law
Starting next year, people will be notified about the possibility of PFAS contamination before buying property in New Hampshire.

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Abutters fret over 33-unit Bartlett housing proposal
The development proposed by Cedarcroft Farms LLC would be built between Sunrise Shack and EG Chandler Property Maintenance.

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Financial savings strategies that protect earnings
That money, in turn, should work hard too. Savings and low-risk investments are among the ways businesses can help protect the money they have earned.

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1. Merrimack-based manufacturer Fimbel Garage Doors is commemorating its 100th anniversary of business this year.