(required by 39 U.S.C. 3685)
October 1, 2023, New Hampshire Business Review (UPS 413430). Monthly: annual subscription, $32, office of publication is 250 Commercial Street, Suite 4014, Hillsborough County, Manchester, N.H. 03101. Publisher, Ernesto Burden, Editor, Mike Cote, 250 Commercial Street, Suite 4014, Manchester, N.H. 03101. Owner: Yankee Publishing Inc., 1121 Main Street, Dublin, N.H. 03444. Average number of copies each preceding 12 months: 12,303; Paid and requested distribution, 7,132; Outside County Nonrequested Copies: 5,119; Nonrequested Copies Distributed Outside the Mail: 52; Total Nonrequested Distribution: 5,171; Total Distribution: 12,303; Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation: 58.0%. Number of Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date: 12,271; Paid and Requested Distribution: 6,894; Outside County Nonrequested Copies: 5,352; Nonrequested Copies Distributed Outside the Mail: 25; Total Nonrequested Distribution: 5,377; Total Distribution: 12,271; Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation: 56.2%.
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Ernesto Burden, Publisher