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Five New England states are urging ISO New England — which operates the region’s power grid — to establish a first-in-the-nation executive-level position dedicated to establishing an environmental justice and energy-equity position.

But New Hampshire is the only state in the region that was not a signatory to a letter asking the grid operator to consider creating the executive-level decision.

If created, it would be the first such position created by any regional grid operator in the country.

According to an article published by E&E News, the role would serve as a “critical bridge” between ISO New England and the communities it serves as the states seek cleaner energy resources.

If created, some of the key responsibilities of the person holding the position would include:

• Serving as a liaison to low-income, minority and overburdened communities (so-called “environmental justice communities”) to make sure their voices are heard and that information — especially technical information — from the grid operator is accessible.

• Coordinating with states and other regional partners to make sure environmental justice principles are incorporated at all levels of energy planning.

• Advising ISO leadership about how to integrate environmental justice principles into its everyday operations.

ISO-New England spokesperson Mary Cate Mannion told E&E News that the grid operator has put a “placeholder” in its 2024 budget proposal to create the position.

“The ISO has been actively engaged in developing cost-effective and efficient solutions to ensure a clean and reliable energy future, and (is) currently working on several initiatives to facilitate wholesale market participation and delivery of clean energy across the region,” Mannion said in an email to the publication. — JEFF FEINGOLD