This issue of NH Business Review is the last one that will have a regular Bob Sanders byline. Bob has decided to retire from NH Business Review after some 30 years of working in various capacities for the publication, most of them as a full-time staff writer.

During his years with us, Bob has proved himself time and again to be one of the best reporters in New Hampshire, if not the best. He’s of the old school — a dogged, relentless pursuer of stories, always willing to go the extra mile. And just overhearing him while talking to a source for a piece he was writing was a master class in interviewing — he would never give up until he was sure he got the information he wanted.

He’s also got a wonderful knack to explain complicated issues in a straightforward, understandable style — his annual economic previews and mid-year economic reviews are cases in point.

His work has led to government investigations and shakeups (like his work on the Financial Resources Management Ponzi scheme), exposed shady and questionable corporate and financial tactics (see the demises of Enterasys and GT Advanced Technologies) and has many times influenced policymakers in Concord and elsewhere, on energy, housing and other business-related topics.

Bob has won dozens of awards over his career on a state, regional and national level — so many that somewhere along the way you just lose count.

His work has been the heart of NH Business Review for a long time and has done so much to make the publication a respected and admired news outlet that provides information our audience truly appreciates.

While Bob is retiring from his full-time gig as a journalist, his byline will not be gone forever from our pages. He will continue to work on stories — with at least one major one appearing in the not-too-distant future. But he’ll be working at a far more leisurely pace, at least for him, since he needs his newfound “extra” time to plan a particularly ambitious venture: a crosscountry bicycle trip, which he plans to take in a couple of years when he turns 70. Yes, he’s very tenacious.

We are going to miss him very much.


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