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‘Rise’ and shine?

You know all those dyspeptic folks who got all worked up about wearing masks and getting vaxxed? Well, they’re still ranting and raving and blaming other people for actually getting involved in the political process and preventing them from having their way — no matter what, apparently.

Take this recent post on the Facebook page of “We the People NH” — a Free Stater-adjacent org that seems to be irate about everything, including … well, just the idea that there are folks who don’t see things their way.

In the post, Terese Bastarache, selfstyed WTPNH leader, seems to apply a highly sophisticated algorithm to figure out that the group and its fellow travelers need “45k people in NH working together … that’s 3% of NH population” in order to “rise.”

She’s not talking about adding yeast, considering the illustration that accompanies the post.

Interestingly, TB claims the algorithm reveals that 80% of the NH population “are fence riders” who are just this close to being swayed to join her and her pals.

BTW, when last seen in a public gathering last November, TB recruited nine or 10 of her pals — sporting the Proud Boys brand of neofascism — to protest outside the Teatotaller café in Concord, which was hosting a Drag Queen Story Hour.

They were outnumbered about 10-1 by counterprotesters.

“At some point, when the dust is settled and the political landscape in terms of the primary calendar is set in other states, we will decide at that time the date of the New Hampshire primary.”

– SOS Dave Scanlan, doing his best Billy Gardner impression, on setting 2024 NH prez primary date.

Luv is in the DC air

As we’ve been pointing out, the DC media has been having a luvfest with our guv, but a recent op-ed in the WashPost kicks up the relationship another notch or two.

In it, Jennifer Rubin fawningly describes Our Chris as “the best opportunity” (read candidate) to take on The Florida Man in the GOP prez primary.

But while she gushes over the guv, praising his “solid record” as “an actual fiscal conservative with a tax-cutting record,” she may have gotten over her skis — or at least might have done a little bit more research before going into overdrive.

F’r instance, she claims that the guv “has rejected election denial” — even though he’s the very same guy who gave birth to the idea that people from Mass. were being bused in to vote in NH — the lie that The Florida Man took and ran with.

Then there’s the claim that, while he supported a thirdtrimester abortion ban, he later “convinced the Republican-led Legislature” to soften it up a little bit. Sure, a year later, after he signed the original draconian bill — and was getting ready to run for reelection.

And then there’s her pointing out that the guv “pushed a school-voucher system instead of a war on mythical critical race theory.”

Huh? Just stepping in to the Wayback Machine for a sec … the “divisive concepts” law — which was born out of obsessions about critical race theory — was in ’21 budget trailer bill, which Sununu signed, even after a whole slew of businessfolks begged him to get rid of the provision before signing it.

Media luvfest is blind, apparently.

Whatever happened to …?

Mowers and Leavitt: Greener pastures?

Just keeping you up to date on the whereabouts of two failed GOP 1st CD candidates:

Matt Mowers, a two-time loser (one in the general election against Chris Pappas and most recently in the primary against Karoline Leavitt) has, not surprisingly, founds his way back to DC, where he’s opening up a lobbying firm with (also not surprisingly) one of his old buds from Jersey. Question is, will we ever see him in NH again?

Then there’s the woman who beat MM. Chances are you haven’t noticed, but KL has landed a gig as an analyst on Newsmax, the former cable channel that can’t be found on cable anymore.

“We don’t seem to have given direction to any of our colleagues what they should be doing or how they should be thinking.”

— Northfield GOP Rep Greg Hill on a bill that would give reps guidance on when they should recuse themselves from voting because of a conflict of interest.


With all the talk of the guv running for prez, a little reality check: In the recent UNH poll of NH voters, the guv garnered 4% support from NH voters — just slightly behind Ron DeSantis, who garnered 42% of support from NH voters, and The Florida Man, who got 30%. Nikki Haley got 8%. The guv? He got 4%, same as Liz Cheney and Larry Hogan.

You might not have noticed, but John Kacavas, the former U.S. attorney who joined Dartmouth Health as chief legal counsel back in ’15, has left that job to become counsel to Hinckley Allen’s corporate & biz group. Not for nothing, but could the gig be a possible stopover before … running for some kinda office?

Now that NH has doled out the $$$ to victims of the FRM Ponzi scheme, do ya think they might consider trying to help out all those folks who lost money (can you call it money?) from crypto investments?

Consider this a warning: Kari Lake, the failed GOP Arizona guv candidate, who’s still crying fraud in that election, was planning a trip to Iowa. Could NH be on her itinerary someday too?