The Endowment for Health — New Hampshire’s largest health foundation — has received a $7 million gift from the MacKenzie Scott Foundation, formed by the former wife of Amazon multibillionaire Jeff Bezos, that it will distribute unrestricted funds to nonprofits around the state over the next five years.
The $7 million Scott gift is separate from the endowment’s main grantmaking portfolio, which focuses on five targeted initiatives. Last year, the endowment awarded over $3 million to supporting projects focused on workforce, access to healthcare and childhood development.

The gift will provide resources ‘to create equitable opportunities for health and wellbeing,’ says Yvonne Goldsberry. The first round of gifts, totaling nearly $950,000, went to:
• Granite State Organizing Project/Young Organizers United (YOU)
• Safari Youth Club
• Victory Women of Vision
• Organization for Refugee and Immigrant Success (ORIS)
• NH Black Women’s Health Project
• Building Community in New Hampshire
• Manchester Community Action Coalition
• Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire
• Environmental Justice Community Advocacy
• Early Childhood Equity Movement
• The Trust-Making Community Engagement Initiative Donations to the 11 New Hampshire organizations ranged from $10,000 to $125,000, some spread over multiple years.
Endowment for Health President Yvonne Goldsberry said the remainder of the Scott gift “will be put to use across New Hampshire over the next five years to ensure that communities have more resources to self-determine their future and to create equitable opportunities for health and well-being.”
Goldsberry added that the gift “makes it possible to accelerate our newly developed strategic plan which calls for expanding the table of community partners, sharing decisions about grantmaking with a network of community members, and working with organizations and institutions that advance equity.”