Organizers of the annual NH Gives fundraiser for the state’s nonprofits accomplished what they set out to do: set another record this year, raising over $3.7 million in 24 hours, nearly $500,000 more than last year’s total.

Over 13,000 Granite Staters contributed during the online giving event, which took place June 8-9.

Kathleen Reardon, CEO of the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits, said the participation was “an amazing demonstration” of support for New Hampshire nonprofits, 584 of whom took part this year — also a record.

“People gave from every part of the state, in amounts that started at just five dollars. When we all come together like that, we can truly make a difference. A huge ‘thank you’ to every single person who gave,” said Reardon.

Matching funds helped to spur donations: The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, lead sponsor of the event, and its donors contributed $460,000 in matching funds and other individuals from around the state contributed more than $1 million in additional matching funds for individual organizations and issue areas.

“This event has become a really special moment for New Hampshire to come together to support the organizations that do so much for our communities in challenging times — and that improve our quality of life all the time,” said Kristen Oliveri, vice president for marketing and communications at the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation and volunteer co-chair of the NH Gives organizing committee.

Kathleen Reardon, CEO of the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits: This year’s NH Gives was ‘an amazing demonstration’ of support for nonprofits. (NH Charitable Foundation photo)

Manchester Moves, a volunteer organization working to connect the city of Manchester to the rest of the state via rail trails and greenways, was the top online fundraiser during NH Gives, raising just over $57,000 in 24 hours and winning an additional $1,000 “Power of Many” prize in recognition. The organization was established in 2008, but rekindled recently as more people took to local trails and outdoor spaces during the pandemic.

And more people gave to The Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire than to any other organization participating in NH Gives. The Black Heritage Trail exceeded its $45,000 fundraising goal and was awarded a $1,000 “Power of Many” prize for garnering the most unique donors.

“This is an affirmation that people are paying attention and that they are interested and they believe in a more inclusive story about our collective identity, about our community coming together, and that this inclusive telling of our Black history is important,” said JerriAnne Boggis, executive director of the Black Heritage Trail. “We are thrilled about the individual unique donor prize, because that makes a statement.”

Other key supporters of NH Gives were communications partner Brown & Company Design, with additional sponsors Comcast NBC Universal, C&S Wholesale Grocers, Chase for Business, Consolidated Communications, People’s United Bank, Eversource Merrimack County Savings Bank, Century 21 Circa 72 & Thompson Real Estate, First Seacoast Bank, Leader One, Franklin Pierce University, Switcher Studio, Montagne Powers, the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation as well as media sponsors the Granite State News Collaborative, WMUR, the Union Leader, NH Business Review, Montagne Powers, Grappone Automotive and InDepthNH.


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