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HUD designation for Harbor Care is a chance to change lives


Across the nation, EnVision Centers are changing lives by enabling individuals to earn jobs, GEDs and more. With the opening of the Harbor Care EnVision Center, stories like these will soon become a reality for Nashua residents.

EnVision Centers began with a simple vision: unleashing the potential of underserved communities. The Harbor Care EnVision Center is proof that this important vision is already coming to life.

HUD’s designation of an EnVision Center on this site confirms and strengthens our partnership with the Nashua community to improve its residents’ lives.

EnVision Centers take a holistic approach, going beyond brick-and-mortar investments by investing in what matters most: people.

EnVision Centers were conceived from the idea that HUD’s true measure of success is not how many individuals we can get onto our assistance programs, but how many we can lift out of government assistance and set on the path to self-sufficiency. We hope to empower the American worker and the American family to stand on their own.

We work to achieve this goal of empowering people to fulfill their potential by providing the tools they need to succeed, all located in one centralized hub.

These centers leverage local resources and private funding to supply education, job training, financial literacy and mentoring. That way, those the center serves can cultivate the four pillars of selfsufficiency: character and leadership; educational advancement; economic empowerment; and health and wellness.

The Harbor Care EnVision Center has a unique range of well-established, comprehensive services and community partnerships to address socially determined disparities in health, housing and success. Centrally located, this new EnVision Center will use the four-pillar model to make service navigation available to hundreds of low-income individuals, including 400 HUD-assisted clients. In addition, via a new “Employment and Independence” community collaboration of this proposed initiative, EnVision Center staff will guide discussions among essential community organizations of gaps, systemic issues and resolutions to help ensure successful outcomes for participants.

HUD appreciates the hard work to fulfill this vision, along with the commitment of Harbor Care, Solution Health, Habitat for Humanity, Lamprey Health Care, Rise Above, Process Recovery, Opportunity Works, Southern NH Rescue Mission, Revive Recovery, Greater Nashua Mental Health Center and Antioch University New England. Their efforts are making this neighborhood transformation a reality.

As I’ve traveled the country and visited several centers in action, I’ve seen the great promise and tremendous potential unlocked through HUD’s EnVision Center initiative. I’ve met the people whose lives have been changed for the better after stepping foot inside. I look forward to seeing what is in store for this community with this new designation.

On behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, I would like to express my congratulations to the Nashua community in celebrating the designation of Harbor Care EnVision Center.

David Tille is New England Regional Administrator of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

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