A two-part virtual summit designed for business leaders planning their organization’s future — at a time when the challenge is unlike any before — is being presented Monday, Oct 5, and Thursday, Oct. 8 by the ExcellenceNorth Alliance.

The summit, presented for free, is designed as an experiential learning opportunity that aims to help participants create a new mindset, gain insight on how to shift, pivot and adapt, and develop a customized action plan to compete and win in the “next normal,” organizers said.

Leading the summit will be Charlie Garland, a business strategy and innovations consultant who has worked with business leaders and entrepreneurs to improve outcomes and develop winning strategies.

Designed for business leaders, the summit is also for other teams that work together.

The first session on Oct. 5 will be held from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., with a focus on context and interactive preparation. The Oct 8 session, also from 1 to 3 p.m., will involve creating a draft plan using the CUBIE tool, a thinking tool used for applications of innovation and complex problemsolving.

For more information, visit excellencenorth.org or email anne@excellencenorth.org.

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